This directory lists academic research centres, institutions, and groups in the UK that contribute to the humanitarian sector. It is a result of research conducted to understand how to more effectively connect humanitarian practitioners and humanitarian academic expertise to collaboratively address global humanitarian challenges.
FAQs: How to use the directory
How can I search and browse the directory?
Use the search bar to find research centres, institutions, or groups that contain your search terms. If no results appear try using alternative or related words. You can also refine your search by filtering categories (more details below).
How can I learn more about a research centre?
Click on the name of any research centre, institution or group to view details about their work, expertise, and contact information on one page.
Use the contact details provided to reach out to relevant research centres. We recommend sharing information about your current project or challenge, the expertise or support you require, your timelines, estimated budget, and any specific requirements.
How do I filter the directory?
You can filter the directory so it only displays the items that meet specified criteria, i.e. have (or don't have) certain properties.
- Click the Filter icon at the top of the directory.
- In the dropdown that appears, choose the property you'd like to filter by.
- This filter will now show up at the top of the directory. Click the filter icon to see and edit all of the filters that have been applied.
- Add another filter by clicking the filter icon → Add filter. You can have as many filters as you'd like.
- Click Reset to reset all filters and sorts.


How do I sort the directory?
You can sort the directory so that items are displayed based on properties appearing in ascending or descending order.
- Click ⇅ at the top of the directory.
- In the dropdown that appears, choose the property you'd like to sort by.
- This sort will now show up at the top of your database. Click to edit it.
- You can add as many sorts as you want or remove them by clicking Delete sort.
- Click Reset to reset all sorts and filters.

How is the information organised?
To support with browsing the directory, we've categorised the academic research centres according to the humanitarian domains they contribute to, aligning with both the UN Cluster System and Sphere Standards. The 'By humanitarian domain' view displays the research centres grouped under each humanitarian domain that they contribute to, as follows:
- Coordination and information management: Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of coordination and information processes and systems.
- Disaster risk reduction (DRR): Mitigating the impact of natural and man-made disasters through proactive measures and community-resilience building strategies.
- Education in emergencies Continuing access to quality education for children and youth affected by conflicts and disasters.
- Emergency response: Specialising in rapid and strategic intervention and providing immediate relief and services to affected populations.
- Food security and nutrition: Addressing food security issues by developing suitable agricultural practices, improving food distribution systems, and promoting nutrition education.
- Healthcare and medical services: Delivering essential healthcare services, medical treatment, disease prevention, and public health interventions.
- Livelihoods and economic recovery: Supporting the restoration of livelihoods and economic stability in crisis and post-crisis environments.
- Protection and human rights: Advocating for and protecting vulnerable populations, promoting human rights, and ensuring access to justice and legal assistance.
- Shelter and non-food items (NFIs): Addressing the immediate and long-term shelter needs of displaced populations, providing housing solutions and essential non-food items such as blankets and clothing.
- Water sanitation and hygiene (WASH): Improving access to clean and safe water, sanitation facilities, and promoting hygiene practices to prevent disease outbreaks and safeguard community health.
What additional filters can I use?
You can view or filter the directory according to the following categories:
- Areas of focus: The specific humanitarian issues, sectors, or expertise that each research centre focuses on. This can help you find research centres by more specific terms such as ‘conflict and peacebuilding’, ‘health trials’, and ‘water quality’.
- Academic expertise: The fields of study of their researchers. This can provide insight into the types of perspectives or approaches they might bring, such as scientific, social, legal, and technical/engineering approaches.
- Geographic expertise: The regions, countries, and locations where the research centre has previously conducted work or holds knowledge and relationships. This is particularly useful if you need expertise in a certain geographic area. Note, this list may not be comprehensive; it is best to check with the research centre.
- Population groups: The specific communities, populations, and demographics that each research centre has experience with or is dedicated to supporting.
- Type of support available: Understand the type of assistance and services each research centre offers, whether you need training, consultancy, research collaboration, or technical support.
Help us to maintain an accurate and current directory
If you come across outdated information or know of a research centre that should be included, please use the add a research centre form or update research centre form.
If there is additional information you need that we haven’t included, or if you have suggestions on how we can improve this directory, please email us at