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Adding a New Research Centre

Name of the research centre.
Name of the parent institution or university.
Brief description of the research centre, its mission, and areas of expertise.
Link to the research centre’s official website.
Full name.
E-mail address
Specify the specific humanitarian issues, sectors or expertise (e.g., conflict and peacebuilding, health trials, water quality).
Specify the fields of study of the researchers (e.g., scientific, social, legal).
List the regions, countries and locations where the research centre has conducted work or holds expertise.
Specify the specific communities, populations and demographics that the research centre has experience with or is dedicated to supporting.
Select the types of assistance and the services the research centre offers (e.g., training, consultancy, research collaboration, technical support, etc.)
Provide any additional information or comments that may be relevant.
Indicate how you came to know about this research centre or the updates (e.g., personal involvement, recommendation, etc.)
Please let us know how you heard about this directory or our organisation.

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